6 days Tanzania southern tourism route Wildlife safari

Discover Tanzania’s hidden gems with this exceptional journey through the southern tourism route. This off-the-beaten-path adventure offers a breathtaking glimpse of African scenery that is not to be missed. Our itinerary includes visits to the National Park and Udzungwa National Park, making for a fantastic combination that is perfect for wildlife enthusiasts, seasoned safari-goers, and first-time visitors alike. Join us on this Tanzania southern tourism route unforgettable trip!


  • UnlimitedGamedrives
  • Guidedwalkingtour
  • Scenicdrives
  • HikingofSanjewaterfalls
  • Birdwatching
  • Culturalencounters

DetailedItinerary Tanzania southern tourism route

Day1:Transfer from DaresSalaam to Mikumi for afternoon walking safari

Following breakfast, depart from Dar es Salaam for a 5 to 6-hour journey to Mikumi National Park. While en route, explore additional Tanzanian native villages located beside the road. After arriving in Mikumi, indulge in a satisfying lunch and take a brief respite before commencing a 2-hour walking safari through Mikumi National Park.

You will be accompanied by an armed park ranger and can anticipate encountering zebras, giraffes, elephants, impalas, wildebeests, warthogs, monkeys, and a variety of bird species during the walking safari. Upon completing the safari, return to your lodge for relaxation and leisure, followed by dinner and an overnight stay. The meal plan includes all meals.

Day2:Gamedrive day in Mikumi

Start your day with a breathtaking wildlife drive in Mikumi to catch sight of early morning risers, such as lions and leopards, alongside other fascinating species actively hunting after breakfast. In the afternoon, witness elephant families, herds of giraffes, impalas, and antelopes, lions, wildebeests, buffalos, zebras, wild birds, and crocodiles, among other wildlife. All meals are included in the meal plan. In the evening, unwind at the lodge, savor dinner and spend the night.

Day3:Drive to Ruaha national park for afternoon gamedrive

After breakfast, you’ll take a 4-to5-You will be taken on a one-hour journey to Ruaha National Park, situated in southern Tanzania. Later in the day, you will embark on a sunset wildlife drive through the Ruaha wilderness. This lesser-known safari destination provides a more exclusive experience compared to the more well-known parks in Northern Tanzania, offering a diverse range of animals and plants.

During the drive, you will have the opportunity to witness elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, hippos, wildebeests, innumerable antelopes, and even lions. After the drive, you will return to the lodge for dinner and an overnight stay, with all meals included in the meal plan.

Day4:Fullday gamedrive

Following breakfast, a game drive through Ruaha National Park awaits. The park is almost the size of the Serengeti and is renowned for its pristine environment. Lions, cheetahs, wild dogs, hyenas, elephants, giraffes, kudu, antelopes, hippopotamuses, crocodiles, and impalas are all protected in the park.

Ruaha National Park offers a unique experience that combines game viewing with magnificent scenery. The park’s extensive unexplored areas make it a truly special and exciting experience for nature lovers.

Birdwatchers are in for a treat with over 500 bird species identified in the park, including native species such as Kingfishers, Hornbills, and Sunbirds, as well as migratory species from Asia, Europe, and other parts of Africa, such as the White Stork. After a thrilling day of wildlife observation, return to the resort for dinner and an overnight stay.

The meal plan includes all meals, ensuring that guests can fully enjoy their experience without worrying about additional expenses.

Day5:Transfer to Udzungwa Mountains for hiking of Sanje water falls

Following breakfast, a game drive to the Udzungwa Mountains is available. En route, a stop at a Masai Boma to gain insight into the Masai way of life with the guidance of a Masai mama for 1-2 hours. The journey will then continue to Udzungwa. From there, drive to the park gate and commence the ascent through the stunning primary forest to the base and top of the picturesque 180m Sanje Waterfall.

While hiking, keep an eye out for primates such as the Iringa Red Colobus and Sanje Mangabey. The trail will lead you to see four tiers of waterfalls, observe monkeys, and take in the beautiful surroundings.

You may also observe habituated Sanje Mangabeys, native plant species, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and butterflies. Following that, take a refreshing swim in the plunge pools and admire the indigenous African Violets that flourish in the spray zones. Lastly, descend and return to the lodge for dinner and the night. All meals are included in the meal plan.

Day6: Driveback to DaresSalaam

Following breakfast, you will depart from the lodge and drive back to Dar es Salaam. Your safari concludes upon arrival at your hotel. Breakfast and lunch are both included in your meal plan.

The tour inclusions

  • Parkentryfees
  • Allactivities(Unlesslabeledasoptional)
  • Allaccommodation
  • Aprofessionaldriver/guide
  • Alltransportation
  • AllTaxes/VAT
  • Mealsandspecifiesdrinkslikewater


  • Internationalflights
  • Additionalaccommodationbeforeandafterthetour
  • Tipstodriversandguides


Brief Information about Udzungwa Mountains Nationalpark on southern tourism route

The Udzungwa Mountains National Park is a wildlife refuge located in central Tanzania, situated between the Iringa and Morogoro areas within the Eastern Arc Highlands. It can be found 60 kilometres south of Mikumi National Park along the Mikumi-Ifakara road.The park was established in 1992 and covers a total area of 1,990 square kilometres. The vegetation types within the park include Miombo woodland, grassland, tropical rainforest, and mountain forest.

The park is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including elephants, bushbucks, palm civets, leopards, duikers, Miombo genets, hyenas, and six primate species. Additionally, over 400 bird species and 2,500 plant species can be found within the park, 25% of which are native to Udzungwa Mountains National Park alone. The name of the park was inspired by the Wasungwa, a Kihehe word that means “people who live on the sides of the mountains.”