Gorilla trekking trip to Bwindi is situated in the southwest province of Uganda, just on Rift Valley’s edge. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, also known as the impenetrable forest, is bordered to the west by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and to its southeast by Kabale town, which is 29 km far by road. It covers a total area of 331 sq.km but also is located in the highest parts of the Kigezi hills at an altitude of 1,190 to 2,607 meters above ground, with 60% of this mystical park being above 2,000 meters. Rwamunyonyi hill on the park’s eastern edge has the highest elevation, while the park’s lowest point is located at its north end.

Within Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, one can find over 160 different kinds of trees, 105 different varieties of ferns, and lots of floral plants. The Ihihizo, Ishasha, Ivi, Munyaga, and Ntengyere rivers all receive water from the Bwindi forest, which is a significant water catchment zone. Bigger lakes like Bunyonyi, Mutanda, and even Lake Edward are fed by these rivers. Due to the deep forest, Bwindi offers mild temperatures and good precipitation throughout the year, despite the fact that rest of the country is experiencing a dry spell. The endangered mountain gorilla is the main draw of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. Half of the surviving mountain gorillas live in Uganda, particularly Bwindi hosting the majority of them. Hence, gorilla trekking is the main event that draws numerous tourists to the area each year. Mostly in four park regions of Buhoma, Nkuringo, Rushaga, and Ruhija, one can undertake gorilla trekking.

Bwindi’s History for gorilla trekking trip safari

The park’s history dates back as far as to 1932, when it was first gazetted as the Crown Forest Reserve. It was split into two parts, the Kasatora Crown Forest Reserve towards the south and the Kayonza Crown Forest Reserve towards the north. In 1942, the two parts were combined as one forest reserve, The Impenetrable Central Crown Forest, which covered an area of approximately 298 km2. Eventually, in 1964, it was converted into a wildlife sanctuary to safeguard the mountain gorillas, and over time, two other forest reserves were added to the impenetrable forest, which now covers approximately 321Km2. It was designated a national park in 1991, and the name Bwindi was added, transforming it into the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. Because of the presence of approximately half of the globe’s mountain gorillas, Uganda became the most frequently visited place for all safaris , in 1993, the parks organization, Uganda National Parks, which subsequently became Uganda Wildlife Authority, purchased a piece of land from the Batwa people which extended an additional 4Km2 and it was integrated to the park.

Location and how to get there

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is located in south-western Uganda, approximately 540 kilometers from Kampala, just on western rift valley’s edge, and is primarily accessible by road. It is located in the Ugandan districts of Kabale, Kanungu, and Kisoro. The ancient forest is encircled by intensively farmed agricultural lands that were previously covered by tropical forests.

Bwindi can be accessed by both road and air transport.

By air; Visitors can fly from Entebbe or Kampala to Kisoro’s modern tarmac airstrip either through Kajansi airfield. Flights to the Savannah or grass Kayonza airstrips are additionally chartered.

By Road; it requires approximately between eight and nine hours to drive to Bwindi from Kampala, through the Masaka route, passing through Mbarara, Kabale, Kisoro, and Kanungu, respectively. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is also reachable from Rwanda (Kigali) via a number of border crossing points, with travel times varying from 3 up to 4 hours, depending on which region one is going to.

The best time to visit Bwindi Impenetrable National Park for gorilla trekking

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is accessible all year. The best months to visit Bwindi are June to August, as well as December to February. These are Uganda’s dry seasons, and the rains in the rainforest aren’t as heavy as rainy seasons. Gorilla trekking, nature hikes, and hiking excursions are excellent throughout these times since the forest trails are less slippery. During the summer months, the park is very busy with much more visitors.

In Uganda, the rainy season lasts from September to November and from March to April. Although this is not the best time to go hiking, go hiking, or go gorilla trekking, it’s actually the best time to go bird watching due to the time of year when birds breed.

Attractions in Bwindi National Park

Mountain Gorillas in Bwindi National Park

The mountain gorillas are the main attraction in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. There are an estimated 400 mountain gorillas living in the park’s various zones, making it a popular destination for tourists. Mountain gorillas reside in these sectors, which are distributed across the park and have a variety of fascinating gorilla families.

Mountain gorillas in Bwindi live in close-knit family groups led by a silverback, an adult male. The silverback has several privileges, such as the authority to feed first and chooses where to dine and sleep. The Silverback Gorilla is up to three times as heavy as a normal full human, as well as his shaggy hair contributes to the bulky appearance, giving him a very imposing and ominous appearance. The calm and tranquil nature of these apes prevents them from being readily provoked. Whenever they feel so threatened or believe their family is in danger, they are much more likely to act aggressively to scare strangers away, but the risk that they will really harm you is quite minimal.

These sectors in which the 14 habituated families or groups of these apes are located include the following;

Buhoma Sector

The most fascinating and popular sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is Buhoma Sector, which is situated in the park’s northern region. Buhoma Sector was the initial sector to be authorized for gorilla trekking trip with the Mubare Gorilla Family also to receive trekkers. Buhoma sector consists of three gorilla families;

Mubare Gorilla family: The Mubare Gorilla Family was the first gorilla group to be available for gorilla trekking. This group, which currently comprises of five members, was originally habituated in the Mubare Hills, where they were first spotted, in 1992. Featuring 1 adult female, 2 sub adult females, and 1 child, the Mubare gorilla family is led by Kanyonyi, a dominant silverback.

Rushegura gorilla family: The Rushegura gorilla family separated from Habinyanja gorilla group in 2000, in the same year that it was habituated and made available for trekking. There are 19 gorillas in this family, and while trekking through it, you can see Mwirima, the dominating silverback and group leader, Kabukojo, the blackbuck, and several other gorillas. Five adult female gorillas, namely Kyirinvi, Kibande, Buzinza, Nyamunwa, and Karungyi; two sub-adult female gorillas, namely Kalembezi and Ruterana; five adolescent gorillas, namely Nyampazi, Kafuruka, Kibande, Karungyi, and Kanywanyi; and five baby gorillas, namely Kyirinvi, Buzinza, Nyamun.

Habinyanja Gorilla family: One of the earliest Gorilla groups to welcome visitors was this particular group. There are 17 members of the group, and Makara, who took Habinyanja’s place, is the leader. After becoming acclimated, this group was commanded by Silverback Mugurisi in 1997. Due to its first discovery being next to a marsh in Bwindi, the group was given the name “Habinyanja” (place with water) in Rukiga.

Ruhija Sector

Ruhija is the greatest and undoubtedly most wonderful sector of Bwindi. The sector is located at an elevation of 2,340 meters in the hills bordering the park’s eastern boundary. It was opened for gorilla trekking in 2008 and now has four habituated gorilla families. These include;

Bitukura gorilla family: Bitukura gorilla family consists of 14 family members, including four silverbacks, four adult families, two juveniles, three infants, and one baby. This family was acclimatized in 2007 and originally comprised of 24 family members, however, the group recently encountered numerous conflicts, causing many members to flee the group.

Kyaguliro gorilla family: The Kyaguliro gorilla family is a comparatively big family of 20 members, this family has been reserved for research purposes, so it is only visited on occasions. Following the death of a group’s previous leader, who had been struck by lightning, the group divided up into Kyaguliro A and Kyaguliro B.

Kyaguliro A; includes ten family members, one silverback, two blackbacks, three adult females, two juveniles, and two infants, all led by Rukara, a dominant silverback.

Kyaguliro B; comprises ten family members, one silverback, four adult females, one adult, and four infants, all led by Mukiza, a dominant silverback.

Oruzogo gorilla family: The Oruzogo gorilla family consists of 17 individuals, including one silverback. This group was launched for tourist activities in 2007, and a few of the notable members of the family include Bakwate “old silverback”, Kaganga (silverback), Kasumali (silverback), six adult females that is Nyangaro, Katoto, Ruchura, Mutesi, Nyakina, and Mukwano, one baby Bwengye, 3 sub adult males

Rushaga sector

Rushaga, which is 1,900 meters above sea level and close to Bwindi’s southernmost point, was added to the list of Uganda’s gorilla trekking regions in 2009.

The region is distinguished by steep valleys overgrown with enormous tree ferns, cliffs with stream-filled cracks, and massive rocks. It offers fantastic views across deep jungle-clad valleys as well as a sight of the spectacular Virunga Mountains. Compared to Rushaga and Buhoma, it is less well-known, yet it is home to 8 habituated gorilla families and 1 semi-habituated family for the special Gorilla Habituation program.

Nshongi gorilla family: The Nshongi gorilla family is made up of seven individuals and is led by the strong silverback Bweza. One silverback, one juvenile, one baby, three adult females, and one sub adult are present.

Kahungye gorilla family: The 17-member Kahungye gorilla family is led by a dominant silverback named Rumaz and includes 3 adult females, 3 silverbacks, 2 newborns, 3 juveniles, and 3 sub adults. The family’s name comes from the Kahungye Hill, where these gorillas were first seen in this area.

Family of Mishaya gorillas: Twelve gorillas make up the Mishaya gorilla family, which is led by a dominant silverback named Mishaya. Mishaya gorilla group was established in 2010 when Mishaya split from the Nshongi gorilla group.

Family of Bweza gorillas: 23 mountain gorillas make up the Bweza gorilla family, which is headed by a silverback named Kakono. There are 2 silverbacks, 4 blackbucks, 1 sub adult, 3 adult females, and 2 newborns in this family.

Busingye gorilla group: Busingye gorilla group consists of 9 members that split off from the Kahungye gorilla family, with Busingye as the dominant silverback. This organization takes its name from the local phrase for peace.

Bikingi Gorilla Family: The Bikingi Gorilla Family consists of 15 members: one silverback, five adult females, two subadults, two juveniles, and five infants. Habituation of Bikingi gorilla group started in early 2012 as a follow-up exertion of the dissolving members of the fragmented Mishaya family. Indeed, several members of the former Mishaya family were discovered in the group with other non-habituated members and later deemed for habituation in order to maintain close watch on of formerly habituated members.

Kutu Gorilla Family, a new gorilla family in the Rushaga region of Bwindi Park, has 8 members and 1 silverback. Those who are interested in witnessing gorilla habituation may visit this group, which is still being habituated.

Mucunguzi gorilla group: Located in the Rushaga region of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, the Mucunguzi gorilla group is a freshly habituated gorilla family. The name Mucunguzi, which translates to “savior,” was given to the third-youngest silverback in the Bweza gorilla troop at the time. The Bweza family divided into the Mucunguzi group. Eight mountain gorillas make up the Mucunguzi gorilla group.

Nkuringo sector

Established in 2004, the Nkuringo gorilla trekking sector is situated near Kisoro, on the park’s northern edge, at a height of 2,100 m. Despite the fact that farming settlements are heavily populated in the surrounding hills, they have an isolated and underdeveloped feel as a result of being situated on a dead end road that leads to the adjacent Congolese border. Set along the Nteko Ridge, it is a particularly picturesque spot with panoramic views of the Kashasha River Valley and the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. It has three gorilla family groups as shown below;

Bushaho gorilla family: There are 8 members of the Bushaho gorilla family: 1 silverback, 1 black-back, 3 adult females, 1 sub-adult, and one juvenile, and 1 baby. Many members of the Nkuringo gorilla family split off to create the Bushaho gorilla family, which is led by a powerful silverback named Bahati.

Nkuringo gorilla family: The Nkuringo gorilla family was the first gorilla group in the south western part of Bwindi to be habituated, and this was completed in 1997. 12 gorillas including 1 silverback, 2 adult females, 2 adult females, 2 sub adults, 3 adolescents, and 2 babies, make up the Nkuringo gorilla family. The Nkuringo gorilla family is notable for being the initial group in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park to record the birth of twins. Originally, the Nkuringo gorilla family consisted of 17 family members, but many of them departed the area and only 12 remained.

Bikingi gorilla family: A superb gorilla family specifically for gorilla habituation, the Bikingi gorilla family was habituated as early as 2012. At the moment, there are 15 members of this family: 1 silverback, 5 adult females, 2 sub-adults, 2 juveniles, and 5 newborns. The Bikigi gorilla family is still in the habituation phase, hence it does not yet have a leader.

Other wildlife and primates in Bwindi National Park

Bwindi National Park also has about 120 mammal species that are rarely seen because they hide in the dense forest thickets. These also include the huge and quite small mammals. Elephants, duikers, buffaloes, golden cats, bush pigs, giant forest hogs, black-fronted duiker, yellow-backed duiker, clawless otter, side-striped jackal, civet, numerous bats and rodents are among the animals found in Bwindi forest. Bwindi woods are home to 11 primate species, including black-and-white colobus monkeys, L’Hoest’s monkeys, De Brazza monkeys, Red-tailed Monkey, Blue Monkey, Potto, Demidoff’s Galago, Spectacled Galago, Baboons, Chimpanzees, and Mountain Gorillas.

Birds in Bwindi

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, a heavily wooded haven, is also a bird watcher’s dream destination, with over 350 bird species, including 23 Albertine Rift endemics and 14 species not documented in any other part of Uganda. You have the opportunity to be the first person to photograph Shelley’s Crimsonwing in the wild. The park’s Ruhija sector has some of the most diverse birding, and keen birders could really visit Mubwindi Swamp to see the enigmatic African green broadbill. This globally rare species is only known from two locations in the world, one of which is a remote forest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The following are the Albertine Rift endemics species; Neumann’s Warbler Yellow-Eyed Black Flycatcher, Chapin’s Flycatcher, Rwenzori Batis, Stripe-Breasted Tit, Blue-Headed Sunbird, Regal Sunbird, Rwenzori Double-Collared Sunbird, Purple Breasted Sun Bird, Dusky Crimsonwing, African green broadbill, Shelley’s Crimsonwing, Handsome Francolin, Rwenzori Turaco, Rwenzori Nightjar, Dwarf Honeyguide, Kivu Ground Thrush, Red-Throated Alethe, Archer’s Robin-Chat, Rwenzori Apalis, Mountain Masked Apalis, Grauer’s Swamp Warbler and Grauer’s Warbler.

The Batwa People

This dense natural forest was once home to the Batwa people of Uganda. They once wreaked problems on the forest by surviving off of its resources. Due to conservation initiatives, the tribe was compelled to evacuate the forest, and they now reside in the neighborhood. Tourists can have a wonderful experience by traveling to the Batwa community because they can learn about their distinctive cultural customs and way of life, which gives them a glimpse into what a regular rural Ugandan’s life might be like. They, the Batwa, provide visitors with excellent hunting techniques, cultural entertainment, and group walks, among other things.

Hiking trails

A popular attraction in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park are its hiking routes, which lead to a variety of the park’s features and attractions and allow you to discover a lot of the park’s mysteries. These routes are utilized for hikes and nature walks in the park, and they include

The Kashasha River trail; is a 5-7 hour hike that runs in between Nkuringo and Buhoma sectors of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Bamboo trail; it’s an appealing 6-hour hike that leads to Rwamunyonyi peak. The bamboo trail is ideal for bird watching.

Muzabajiro trail; it is an exceptional trail that offers spectacular scenery of the western rift valley and Virunga. Muzabajiro is a 6-kilometer trail that passes through gorgeous ferns, a diversity of bird species, and the peaks of the Virunga volcanoes.

River Ivi trail it’s the finest bird watching trail, which takes you through to the Nkuringo escarpment. Walking on this trail takes 7 hours and covers 14 kilometers.

Waterfall trail; the waterfall path is a 4-hour hike that leads to the park’s waterfall.

Habinyanja trail, it is 4-6 hour trail that takes you past the river Munyanga, this trail is most visited by tourists after trekking the Habinyanja gorilla family.

The Impenetrable Forest

The Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a fantastic ecological system with a wide variety of plants. In fact, it is among the few places in Africa having tropical forest since it is the meeting point of the lowland and mountainous vegetation zones. Several tiny rivers, including Ivi, munyaga, ihihizo, ishasha, and ntengyrere, pass the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, making it a notable water catchment area. These rivers’ waters flow into Lake Edward. The park is distinguished by a variety of plant species, including Strombosia scheffleri, Red stinkwood, Newtonia, Symphonia globulifera, and East African yellow wood. Species including Xymalos, Neoboutonia Macrocalyx, Monospora, Myrianthus holstii, Teclea nobilis, and Allophylus abyssinicus can be found beneath the main forest.

Tourist activities are done in Bwindi National Park

Gorilla trekking

The greatest park in central and eastern Africa to locate mountain gorillas is Bwindi. A little more than half of the surviving mountain gorillas live in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. With a sum of 21 gorilla groups, Bwindi also has the most gorilla families that are habituated. Only in Bwindi can visitors have a gorilla habituation adventure. Early in the morning is typically when briefings for gorilla trekking trip take place. Important details like how to act with gorillas, what to expect, as well as what to carry are included in the briefing. Tracking can take from around 30 min to 6 hours, depending on the gorilla family and their habitat. To locate the primates, a team of trackers is sent out beforehand. The gorilla family is then located by this highly developed team of trackers, who then converse with the rangers who transport the tourists there over the radio. Mountain gorilla sightings are highly likely thanks to this skilled team of trackers. Tourists are only allowed one hour with gorillas.

Meeting, observing, spending quality time with, and taking photos with these amazing creatures while looking straight into their delightful, brown, expressive eyes will be well worth the effort. This is once-in-a-lifetime experience that only Bwindi can provide. Even though gorillas will be the main attraction, you will also see other mammals, unusual plants, birds, and butterflies. Following your life-changing Uganda gorilla trekking experience, visitors will return to the starting point and be awarded a gorilla trekking certificate at your gorilla graduation.


Almost 300 different bird species, as well as the endemic birds of the Albertine Rift Valley can be found in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. The following list of birds can be found in this forest; Rusty-faced woodland The Wing, Dusky Crimson, honey guide, Bar-tailed Trogon, Gruel’s Rush Warbler, Yellow-eyed Black Fly-catcher, Kivi Ground Thrush, White-tailed Blue Monarch Short-tailed Warbler, and many others. Bird watchers and enthusiasts may engage in forest exploration expeditions to see the majority of these bird species. Birding excursions are led by birding rangers who will assist you in identifying the various birds in the forest.

Gorilla habituation

In addition to regular gorilla trekking trip, which is a thrilling trip on its own, gorilla habituation is incredible! The only spot in Africa where you may spend four hours with a gorilla group in their natural environment is Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. One can spend more time observing and understanding about the mountain gorilla way of life by spending time with experts as they ready a wild gorilla group for human contact. The habituation process for gorillas only permits a maximum of 4 visitors per group, and while hiking, you’ll be able to see a variety of wildlife species, such as mammals, birds, plants, and tree species.

Gorilla habituation is a procedure in which wild gorillas are prepared to become accustomed to human contact for trekking purposes. The process usually takes 2 to 3 years to complete and is carried out by a team of researchers, scientists, park rangers, and trackers. The gorilla habituation experience is only available in the Rushaga sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and begins with a briefing just at park headquarters.

Hiking and nature walks

For tourists seeking to take guided nature hikes in the “impenetrable jungle,” Buhoma offers six nature trails. The trails lead in several directions and present the traveler to a variety of sights, such as waterfalls, primate sightings, mountain views, serene environment, and amazing birds. The amazing sight of the falls plunging 33 meters is the climax of the Muyanga Waterfall Trail, which starts in Buhoma and travels along the River Ivi-Nkuringo path.

The Rushura Hill Trail travels through a forest that is shared between two nations. You can see Lakes Edward and George, the Rwenzori Mountains, and the pyramidal peaks of the Virunga Volcanoes on such a clear day.

The 6 km Muzubijiro Loop is a stroll around a hill where you’re likely to see the Virunga Mountains and come across primates and birds.

The 14-kilometer Ivi River Walk takes about 7 hours to complete. Wild pigs are frequently seen in Mukempunu, which means “a site of pigs,” where the trail passes.

The Buhoma-Nkuringo Path, which connects the two communities and travels through the park in between three and four hours, provides breathtaking vistas of the foggy slopes as you climb the hills towards Nkuringo.

The Habinyanja trail can be completed in 4 to 6 hours. Upon crossing the Munyaga River, it involves a relatively difficult ascent of the Habigorogoro and Riyovi Ridge with a view of the Buhoma River. This trail leads to the fabled “African Corner,” called so, because it features a piece of rock that shows a map of Africa. Hikers can take advantage of a more leisurely, moderate slope leading to the massive Habinyanja wetland after a tough rise. Birders should look out for Pel’s Fishing Owls, African Black Ducks, and Black Bee Eaters among other species when hiking this walk.

Mountain biking

Mountain biking in Bwindi is an exhilarating experience that begins at the base camp in Buhoma and ends at the Ivi River. The bicycling takes place along one 13-kilometer path where you’ll see primates such as black and white colobus, red-tailed monkeys, and bushbucks. This 6 to 7-hour round-trip event departs in the morning on well-maintained paths and is structured by Buhoma Society Rest Camp as part of the Ride for a Woman community development program.

The Batwa encounter Experience

You may reach the Batwa in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park by doing the hike through the Buhoma sector of the park. Discover the earliest forest guards who lived side by side with the forest’s wildlife. The history of the Batwa people in the forest is an intriguing one. Originally, the Batwa were forest guards who lived off the forest and coexisted with the wildlife. Before being driven out of the forest for conservation efforts, they relied on forest resources for food, including the wild berries and squirrels, among other animals in the park. A guide will lead you down the route as you experience the Batwa culture in general. At the conclusion of the tour, you will visit the Batwa communities to witness how they live after they were moved out of the park.

You can also go to the surrounding communities that are located close to the forest and the park to learn about the local customs and ways of life of the residents there. One can better understand the various African cultures, stories, lifestyles, cuisines, traditions, dances, norms, and much more by taking part in community excursions.

Visit to Lake Mutanda

After doing gorilla trekking, visitors may visit Lake Mutanda in the park’s southern region to relax. It is a stunning and tranquil location. With the aid of a guide, one can paddle a dugout canoeing around the lake’s numerous islands. At Lake Mutanda, the sunsets are spectacular.

Accommodation in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Luxury, midrange, and budget eco-lodges and tented camps are available in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Buhoma is home to the majority of these Uganda safari lodges/accommodations in Bwindi. The following are some of the best accommodation facilities in Bwindi;

Volcanoes Bwindi Lodge

The lodge is located in the village of Buhoma rather than inside the Bwindi National Park, so tourists must drive for about an hour to reach the trailhead. The Volcanoes Bwindi Lodge, one of the most luxurious lodging options in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, provides guests with a high-end stay with first-rate amenities and services. Eight regular suites and two luxury suites make up the lodge, each of which is named after a particular gorilla. Because of their large glass fronts and stone and wood walls, the suites are the ideal place to relax and enjoy viewpoints of the tree tops. They provide a wonderful experience that is environmentally friendly due to their design, which blends in with the surroundings.. Additionally, they offer private verandas and en-suite bathrooms featuring walk-in showers. The price of each room includes a personal butler, which really distinguishes this hotel from the competition.

Buhoma lodge

Buhoma lodge is a luxury hotel facility situated in the northern region of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The north territory of the park is the Buhoma gorilla segment of the park, and Buhoma lodge primarily serves tourists who visit this sector for just a safari experience. Ten exquisitely designed and thoughtfully constructed cottages, each with a private verandah and lovely vistas of the forests, are available for guests to stay in at Buhoma Lodge. Each cottage has a cozy bed, a safe to store valuables, a private bathroom with a flush toilet, a warm bath, and some even have bathtubs. The bedrooms are also mosquito-proof.

Mahogany springs Safari Lodge

Mahogany springs is a luxurious lodging establishment located in the Buhoma sector, located in the northern part of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The camp is adjacent to the Buhoma sector’s entrance gate and provides a wonderful sense of peace and tranquility. It offers superior and presidential suites

Superior suites are divided into three types: twin, double, and triple. These suites are spacious, with large double doors and windows, as well as a private terrace overlooking the greenery. Superior suite rooms feature large beds with sophisticated mosquito nets, a fancy dress table/desk, recharging power points, and large en-suite bathrooms with open terracotta showers.

Presidential suites are the exclusive private rooms in a private spot that include Twin, double, triple, and quadruple rooms. Each suite has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a large private terrace overlooking the river. The rooms have mosquito nets on the beds, desks, a dressing table, and power outlets inside the living room and bathroom.

Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge

The Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge is situated at the visitor center in the Nkuringo Sector, south of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. It is essentially the Nkuringo gorillas’ nearest base. The Bwindi community luxury lodge includes a main lodge designed in the chalet style and seven guesthouses furnished with handmade rugs and artwork created by some of the nation’s most well-known artists. At 7,000 feet above sea level, travelers frequently witness the Virunga volcanoes across Bwindi Impenetrable Forest blazing amber against the darkening sky.

The interior of ten sandstone cottages are loft-like and decorated with art inspired by Africa. Each cottage has a large bedroom, a living room, and an en suite bathroom with a shower. The parlor and bedroom are connected by a fireplace, keeping the spaces warm and cozy on chilly nights. On freezing mountain evenings, a personal butler and staff to supply hot water bottles and maintain the fireplace.

Chameleon Hill Lodge

Chameleon Hill Lodge is a vibrantly colored luxury hotel facility located on the coasts of a beautiful Lake Mutanda as well as the southern region of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. It is among the best accommodation facilities in Uganda’s south western region and primarily serves tourists on safari in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Ten private cottages or chalets with a variety of vibrant colors, luxurious furnishings, and roomy bedrooms with mosquito nets, fire extinguishers, beddings, and extra blankets for cold evenings are available for guests to stay in at Chameleon Hill Lodge.

Ruhija Gorilla Safari Lodge

The Ruhija sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is host to the luxurious Ruhija Gorilla Safari Lodge, which is ideally positioned just 5 minutes’ drive from the gorilla trekking point. This makes it the ideal lodge to stay in while on a mountain gorilla trekking safari in the Ruhija sector. The accommodations of Ruhija Gorilla Safari Lodge, which has 8 exquisitely furnished cottages overlooking the woods of the Bwindi and Virunga volcanoes, are as follows: 4 superior room twin cabins with space for up to 8 people, 4 deluxe room cabins with space for up to 8 people, 6 standard rooms may accommodate up to 12 people.

The lodge’s amenities include side lamp stands for the beds, a bonfire in the deluxe cabins, trash cans, roomy beds with additional blankets, storage cabins in the superior and deluxe rooms, bottled hot water, chairs, pairs of slippers, tables, and bathrooms with toilets and showers.

Ruhija Gorilla Mist Camp

Ruhija Gorilla Mist Camp is situated on the Southwest wing of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, inside the Ruhija Tracking area, which really is habitat to the gorilla families Oruzogo, Bitukura, and Kyaguriro. It is also near among the best swamplands for bird watching safaris. The camp is made up of 12 beautifully decorated and beautifully decorated grass-thatched bandas. The camp offers luxurious rooms with confidentiality and quietude, as well as en-suite special facilities such as flushing toilets, mosquito nets, and hot running water/bathtubs.

The rooms are made of wood balconies and verandahs where you’re able to relax while admiring the fauna and flora of the park. There are 3 kinds of rooms that is triple, double and single.