Tourist activity in Jinja; The source of the Nile: A trip safari in Uganda should be completed with a two-day visit to the source of the Nile in Jinja which is one of the easy towns to access during your visit to Uganda involving whitewater rafting as the main activity which is done by different companies authorized to perform Rafting. white water rafting valuable rafting Nile water rafting. River Nile is one of the three longest lakes in the world and passes through several countries after leaving Uganda among which include Sudan, Ethiopia, and Egypt. Jinja is a small, quiet, relatively well-planned former industrial town with beautiful scenery. You can visit the Bujagali falls or go boat riding along the river Nile as you spot several large crocodiles. The river Nile also provides spots for camping, fishing, rafting, kayaking, and the now-popular bungee jumping.

Uganda Wildlife Education Centre: The center is found in Entebbe and was established by the Uganda government for education and wildlife conservation purposes. The center was recently refurbished and has grown significantly in recent years. The population and variety of animals, birds, and reptiles have increased. Those visiting Uganda for short workshops and conferences can find the Entebbe zoo a perfect place to get a taste of what Uganda has to offer in terms of both flora and fauna.

The Rwenzori Mountains: Uganda is endowed with numerous mountains but the Rwenzori Mountains are the most outstanding. Because it’s situated at the border between Uganda and DR Congo, tourists enjoy and love hiking to the top of the snow-capped Margherita peak. The dense forests that are inhabited by primates, forest, different birds, and butterfly species cover the mountain slopes. Nature lovers will have a splendid view with amazing scenery as they stop by these beautiful mountains while visiting Uganda on a safari.

Ssese Islands: The attractive Ssese Islands are an archipelago of 84 islands found in Lake Victoria. Locals and visitors on an Uganda Wildlife tour love to take their vacation on the islands’ quiet sandy beaches. It’s a 3 hours ride from Entebbe to the islands by ferry or 45 from Bukakata. The route through Entebbe by ferry will take you through the beautiful Lake Victoria and fishing villages. The main and largest island is Bugala in Kalangala town. The main economic activities on the islands are Fishing and tourism. This, therefore, gives the visitors opportunities to spot several bird species, monkeys, crocodiles, hippos, and a few antelope species on Ssese Islands tours. There are other islands worth visiting while on a safari in Uganda which includes Bulago and Bukasa, all these have got brilliant white sand beaches.

Sipi Falls: The Sipi falls Are located in the eastern part of Uganda in the mountains of Elgons. and are one of the most spectacular waterfalls in Uganda and Murchison falls. It is situated at the base of Mount Elgon, the Sipi Falls has got three levels with the top level being the most attractive and most visited waterfall in Uganda.