Uganda is an amazing country and most tourists or foreigners don’t realize that, so
we decided to show you some of the best things that make Uganda the pearl of Africa in tourism

The Gorillas:

Uganda has the greatest number of gorillas than any other country in the entire world. These gorillas are found in two national parks i.e. Bwindi impenetrable forest national park and Mgahinga national park But a large number of gorillas are found in Bwindi national park. Uganda has more than 20 gorillas families and the total number of gorillas in Uganda is
approximated to be more than 1,000. Uganda also has the highest density of
primates in the entire world Uganda currently hosts eleven habituated gorilla families and one group that is only available for research. These include mubare, habinyanja, rusheura,bitukuru, oruzogo, nkuringo, nshongi, mishaya, kahungye, bweza, busingye, nyakagezi and the researched group is kyaguriro


over thousands of different species of birds and 56% of all African bird species
are in Uganda travel to uganda and tour such beautiful birds guarded by our tour
guide in the parks. The most common birds in Uganda are crested crane, shoelbill
stork,shelleys crimsonwing, great blue turaco, marabou stork, African green
broadbill, dohertys bushshrike, saddle-billed stork, green breasted pitta, standard-
winged nightjar, African spoonbill the list is endless but few I can mention


Uganda is one of the best countries in the whole world with unpredictable
weather condition, Uganda has a tropical climate only a small part of north Uganda
has got a dry season most of the time, Uganda’s temperature favors all the tourists, in Uganda we don’t experience the winter season and during the winter season in Europe most foreigners travel to countries with the best weather conditions and Uganda is one of the best for tourists to get a better environment.Tourism helps Uganda gain small business benefits from tourists. The more tourist that Uganda receives the bigger and better they make up their national parks and just tourism helps the standard of leaving in Ugandan better. Uganda has decided to dedicate a huge amount of investigates to wildlife, look at the primates, look at the gorillas, look at the birds Uganda, if you’re into nature and animals Uganda is a great place to visit, it’s amazing.the most important thing about Uganda is the people in Uganda are so kind, friendly and multiple people host tourists, and multiple people offer to cook meals for everyone interested For more details about Uganda as the pearl of Africa, you can visit the website of carrental4x4

Lion climbing tree:

One of our largest national parks is queen Elizabeth national park located in Kasese you can visit and see the Tree climbing lion in the Ishasha sector. It’s rare in the whole world but Uganda is one of the blessed countries with tree climbing lions and people wonder why would they do that. But the Reason is even though lions are the king of the jungle they are distracted by the insects called bugs, during the rainy season there are a lot of bugs in the parks that lion tries to escape from them and that’s why they climb trees to get away from the bugs


Uganda has a great internet connection throughout the entire country
which might not sound like a serious matter, when am talking about internet I don’t mean the internet we use to update the face, Instagram or massager talking about having nice internet connection so I can contact locals if I have any question, you can make plans in the future, you can find hotels on my app on your phone, most of the tourists travelling while knowing the place but not the direction so the use google maps for driving directions, I mean with phone service, it’s so nice having internet with a strong signal throughout the entire country, the internet provider are circulated throughout the country which makes traveling around Uganda is the the greatest thing for the tourist


One thing I love about Uganda is most of the things in Uganda are extremely affordable in all sectors like eating from the hotel, getting a room in the hotel, getting means of transport, park visiting, and so many others, In Uganda there are so many African people but all are treated same and even in the whole world where you go out, people will rip you off especially when the know you’re a tourist but her in Uganda is not the case, Ugandans will cost you like a citizen and they also give you goods or services at a fair and friendly price and which is quite affordable this makes Uganda the best place for holidays to the tourist because the country can be affordable

Number of tourists:

Uganda receives not soo many visitors during the year, the few visitors who come to Uganda receive special treatment from the Ugandans, people will go out of their way to be nice to the tourists, the children will start dancing for you and you will never get bored when you visit Uganda especially when you visit the community in the village. Very many tourists really enjoy the experience they get from Uganda because they are few, this has helped Uganda to develop the tourism sector and is still growing