Chimpanzee tracking in Tanzania Gombe national parkGombe national park also known as Gombe stream national park is located in western Kigoma region, Tanzania. it is located 16km north of Kigoma, the capital of Kigoma region.
It was established in 1968 and it is one of the smallest national park in Tanzania with only 13.5square miles ( 35km2 ) but also one of wildest and most rewarding , covered in forested hills along the shores of lake Tanganyika .its mountainous rainforests are home to troops of habituated chimpanzees , made famous by the pioneering research and conservation work of DR. Jane Goodall, who in 1960 founded a behavioral research program that now stands as the longest running study of its kind in the world .Gombe national park is one of the two national parks where chimpanzee trekking can be done in the Tanzania and accessible only by boat.

Climate in Gombe national park

The climate in Gombe is warm to hot and humid. unlike the coastal areas and northern parks, Gombe has one continuous season from November to April .it rarely rain all day, but afternoon thunder showers. The dry season starts from the month of May to October. Day time temperatures are around 26oC/79oF and it’s cool down at night

Accommodation in Gombe national par

Gombe national park offers a high earned and budgeted tourists as it encompasses an array of places to stay. Ranging from rest house, public/special campsites and bandas. private facilities like Kasekela luxury campsite Mbali Mbali Gombe lodge, Deluxe Safari Tier 2 and Gombe forest lodge are also available.

Wild life and birds of Gombe national park

The main attraction in Gombe national park is the population of habituated chimpanzees. Its mountainous rainforests are home to troops of habituated chimpanzees. guided walks are available that take visitors deep in to the forest to observe and sit with their extraordinary primates for an entire morning. an incredible experience and one that is the highlight of many visitors’ trips in Africa
Besides chimpanzee viewing, many other species of primates live in Gombe stream tropical forests.
Vervet and colobus monkeys, baboons, forest pigs and small antelopes inhabit the dense forest, in addition to a wide variety of tropical birdlife


Wildlife in Gomba. -Gombe has abundant and diverse wildlife. habitat preference and seasonal food cycle determine in a general sense where a particular animal maybe at a particular time especially chimpanzees. Although Gombe chimpanzee are favourate among wildlife watcher that come to the park, there are several other notable animals including but not limited to vervet and colobus monkeys, baboons, forest pigs and small antelopes.

Kakombe and Mkenke waterfalls -besides the incredible wildlife experience you can head out to Kakombe trail and Mkenke valley and explore the gorgeous natural Kakombe and Mkenke waterfall

Lake Tanganyika – Lake Tanganyika is the second largest of the lakes of eastern Africa. it is longest fresh water lake in the world (410 miles) and the second deepest (4,710) after lake Baikal in Russia

Birdlife- Gombe is also a home to numerous birds. over 200 bird’s species fly around, varying from iconic fish eagle, three kinds of kingfisher and the bight peters twin spots. another remarkable character is palm vulture, a near vegetarian common to Lake Tanganyika that prefers fruits over carcasses


chimpanzee trekking in Gombe national parkChimpanzee trekking – chimpanzee trekking is the main activities in Gombe national park. these remarkable mammals, habituated to human visitors, were made famous by were made famous by a pioneering work of jane Goodall .in 1960 she found a research program that now stands as the longest running study of its kind in the world.

Boat cruising -the activity allows you to feel lake Tanganyika’s breeze while savoring a view of the great rift valley. a boat cruise is an amazing experience, you can choose a luxury boat or an ordinary speed boat depending on your budget.

Guided walking safaris

short walks are organized with a guide along the shore of Lake Tanganyika or to the waterfalls.

Mountain hiking -there are magnificent views of the mountain of the rift escarpment falling westwards in to the lake. the undulation terrain, valleys and the mosaic forest, woodland and grassland provide visitors with varied attractive landscape.


kayaking is also one of the water sport fishing activities conducted in Gombe national park. this activity is done when the lake is calm. four hours of paddling out offer a great way to explore part of the stunning Lake Tanganyika

Sport fishing – Gombe national park offers sports fishing activity. this activity is done for preference as it is also known as catch and release. Catching and releasing activity is done when the lake weather is calm. Crews are experienced at all moments of fishing.

Diving and snorkeling – Gombe national park are also remarkable place for snorkeling and diving, shielded by hills, the waters here are come, clear and rich with colorful life that leaves a lasting impression.

Culture experience

cultural experience in Gombe national park tanzaniaSafari to Gombe will be accompanied by the visit to local villa mwamgongo village which is located opposite to Gombe national park. the women in this village organized their group to earn a live and support each other visitors get to experience authentic hospitality, learn about traditional dances and local art and craft.so come and visit Gombe national park in Tanzania.

the women group make different items from the local material using their local methods, tourist buy items from them and this items produced are mats, baskets grass hats pottery and fabrics all made using traditionally method. its i life time experience to interact with the locals and learn how they hunt, make food and also take part of participate